Select Your content type for the QR Code maker (URL, Text, Email, Location, SMS, Whatsapp, VCard...). After that, you will see all the available options. like color, dots, your QR Code icon logo then clicks create QR Code.
After finish all the option you should test the result by download the QR Code reader on your phone, and scan the QR Code icon or you can use our QR Code scanner, after that you can download you QR Code with different format SVG, PNG or PDF.
Our Code QR creator is Free and always will be free, if you want to support us don't forget to do some donation, to give us some motivation to develop these tools more and creat the better QR Code online.
A QR Code is essentially a kind of magnetic barcode first developed in Japan for the car industry in 1994. A magnetic code is simply a machine-readable pattern that contains pertinent information about an object to which it's attached. This makes it a unique kind of code that stands out from traditional barcodes and can be used in conjunction with special smart phones to give access to content or services.
So, what exactly are these QR Codes? They're a series of alphanumeric characters which are encrypted in a way that only they can decipher (hence the name).
They are decoded using an algorithm that scrambles the code into a form that the receiver of the code can understand. Theoretically, anyone with a smart phone, a laptop, an Internet connection and a browser can read them and the information contained can be interpreted by their respective smart phones or computers.
The nice thing about QR Codes is that they allow people to share and distribute the information in such a way that it increases their network effect. For example, if you have a business and you want potential clients to know about it, you can have your employees go around with printed out QR Codes.
People then can scan the QR Code and then send it back to you through the means of their smartphones. In a way, you don't need to spend thousands of dollars on expensive advertisements, instead people can tell others about your product by simply sharing the information with their peers!
If you're interested in learning what is a QR Code maker, there are a lot of things to keep in mind. You have to be familiar with how to use one to get a quick result. They are used by online businesses, and some of those businesses offer QR Codes for readers to use on their websites. By having a QR Code on your website you will have access to a lot more traffic. A QR Code is a static web link that is used by readers as a way to access your website's URL. There are a lot of different types of QR Codes. You can find ones with basic formatting, and even ones that are a combination of both. You can add your business name or the tagline of your business to the bottom of the code, making it easier for your readers to identify your business with just a few clicks.
One of the most exciting things about smartphones is their ability to perform tasks such as searching the internet or reading e-books or you can use our QR Code scanner . So, how to scan a QR Code? This is actually pretty simple. All you need is an app for your smartphone and you are on your way to enjoying scanning all the QR Codes that are available out there. Once you have a QR Code viewer installed on your mobile, you are ready to scan at least your first QR Code. Doing this is actually very easy. All you need to do is hold your mobile device above a QR Code in the screen and then tap on it. This will start scanning the code. Now this works exactly like how to scan a URL or an e-mail address.
However, there is much more to these programs and their ability to make great use of analytics for websites. For one, the phone itself has a QR Code in the form of an icon, which can be captured by scanners. This icon can then be used in conjunction with a URL address to access the rest of the site or page. Through this method, the scanner no longer needs to have a smartphone in order to perform this action. This means that QR Code creators are not necessarily only for smart phones. In fact, it would seem that they are becoming a primary way for businesses and organizations to market to their target audience in a new way that makes use of the capabilities of smartphones.
Our team hope you find what you are looking for, please buy us a cup of coffee to keep improving this tool, have a nice day
You can test your QR Code in our QR Code scanner